feedipedia animal feed resources information system feedipedia feedipedia home about feedipedia team partners get involved contact us search form automatic translation feed categories all feeds forage plants cereal and grass forages legume forages forage trees aquatic plants other forage plants plant products/by-products cereal grains and by-products legume seeds and by-products oil plants and by-products fruits and by-products roots, tubers and by-products sugar processing by-products plant oils and fats other plant by-products feeds of animal origin animal by-products dairy products/by-products animal fats and oils insects other feeds minerals other products scientific names plant and animal families plant and animal species tools fao ration tool for dairy cows fao laboratory audit tool resources broadening horizons literature search image search glossary external resources literature databases feeds and plants databases organisations & networks books journals freedom ranger broilers (credits: cowgirl jules) find info about livestock feed on feedipedia! (credits: united soybean board) rice straw on the ground after the harvest, central vietnam (credits: gilles tran, afz) a bag of cotton seeds for cattle (credits: thamizhpparithi maari) feedipedia: an on-line encyclopedia of animal feeds feedipedia is an open access information system on animal feed resources that provides information on nature, occurrence, chemical composition, nutritional value and safe use of nearly 1400 worldwide livestock feeds. it is a joint project of inra , cirad , afz and fao . read more... explore feedipedia sunn hemp (crotalaria juncea) sunn hemp ( crotalaria juncea l.) is a multipurpose tropical and subtropical... read more faba bean (vicia faba) faba bean ( vicia faba l.) is a legume crop grown primarily for its edible seeds... read more honey locust (gleditsia triacanthos) the honey locust ( gleditsia triacanthos l.) is a legume tree up to 25-45 m high... read more apple pomace and culled apples apple pomace ( malus domestica borkh.) is the solid residue that remains after... read more sugarcane forage, whole plant the sugarcane plant ( saccharum officinarum ) is primarily cultivated for sugar... read more corn gluten meal corn gluten meal is a by-product of the manufacture of maize starch (and sometimes... read more peanut meal peanut meal is the by-product obtained after the extraction of oil from peanut seeds (... read more linseed meal linseed meal is the by-product of oil production from linseeds ( linum usitatissimum... read more sugar beet pulp, pressed or wet sugarbeet pulp is the fibrous, energy rich by-product resulting from the water extraction... read more sugar beet pulp, dehydrated sugarbeet pulp is the fibrous, energy rich by-product resulting from the water extraction... read more subclover (trifolium subterraneum) subclover ( trifolium subterraneum l.) is a much valued annual legume forage used... read more rapeseed meal rapeseed meal, called canola meal in north america, australia and some other countries,... read more spotted brachiaria (brachiaria nigropedata) spotted brachiaria ( brachiaria nigropedata (munro ex ficalho & hiern) stapf... read more samoan clover (desmodium scorpiurus) samoan clover ( desmodium scorpiurus (sw.) desv.) is a vigorous perennial... read more purple vetch (vicia benghalensis) purple vetch ( vicia benghalensis l.) is a climbing herbaceous legume from the... read more potato (solanum tuberosum) tubers potato tubers are the subterranean swollen, starchy tubers of the potato plant ( ... read more para grass (brachiaria mutica) para grass ( brachiaria mutica (forssk.) stapf) is a semi-aquatic, palatable and... read more orfot (vachellia oerfota) orfot ( vachellia oerfota (forssk.) kyal. & boatwr. , formerly ... read more yellow lupin (lupinus luteus) seeds yellow lupin ( lupinus luteus l.) is one of the 200 species of lupins, a genus of... read more white lupin (lupinus albus) seeds white lupin ( lupinus albus l.) is one of the 200 species of lupins, a genus of... read more blue lupin (lupinus angustifolius) seeds blue lupin ( lupinus angustifolius l.) is one of the 200 species of lupins, a... read more pages 1 2 3 4 5 … next › last » broadening horizons characterization of feeding systems in ethiopia with a focus on dry areas by harinder p.s. makkar, emily addonizio and lemma gizachew to better monitor the national and regional livestock sectors and formulate adequate development strategies, it is essential to develop systematic approaches to accurately assess livestock feed supplies and obtain better insight into how feed resources are being utilized. the latter information on use of feed resources is achieved by characterizing the feeding systems. a detailed information on feeding systems in lowlands of ethiopia is presented here. also approaches to meet the deficiency of animal feed in the dry seasons are presented. read more... other "broadening horizons" stories ... tweets by @feedipedia recent resources database of nutrient digestibility's of traditional and novel feed ingredients for trout and hybrid striped bass - barrows et al., 2015. usda-ars national program 106, usdoi this database is the result of project initiated in 2005 to determine apparent digestibility coefficients for macronutrients, amino acids and minerals for traditional and novel ingredients in rainbow trout and hybrid striped bass. table 'standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in feedstuffs for poultry' - blok et al., 2017. cvb documentation report nr. 61, november 2017 this document presents standardized ileal amino acid digestibility of feedstuffs for poultry derived from literature data on both ileal and standardized digestibilities. forages for the future - maass et al., 2018. forages newsletter no. 6, cgiar the newsletter, “ forages for the future ” , launched in june 2016, resulted of a meeting of experts in october 2015 in bonn, germany, to discuss a global strategy for the conservation and utilization of tropical and subtropical forage genetic resources . this newsletter is the 6th of the series. the former newsletters are available from . the newsletter is published under the auspices of the cgiar research program “genebanks”; its editors are bruce pengelly and brigitte maass, consultants of the global crop diversity trust. more resources... editor area login logout feedipedia - 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